Tuesday 15 April 2014

7 Dead Babies Found In A Woman’s Home

Megan Huntsman
A woman in Utah was arrested after police found the remains of seven infants that were gruesomely stored in different cardboard boxes in a garage.

39-year-old Megan Huntsman  is believed to have given birth to all of the babies between 1996 and 2006 before killing each and placing their bodies in separate boxes.
Hunstman's ex-husband was cleaning out the garage when he found a box that looked suspicious. After taking a glance at what was inside, he discovered a "full-term" baby. Absolutely bananas. He contacted police, and that one phone call opened a whole crazy can of worms when investigators discovered the bodies of six additional infants. All of the babies were found in the garage. 
Reportedly, the ranch-style home was split up into two apartments and is owned by the ex-husband's parents. According to Megan's neighbors, the woman has three daughters whose ages range from 13 to 20 years old. Megan's ex-husband is believed to be the father of the babies, but investigators are going to conduct DNA tests. Regardless, Megan is being charged with six counts of murder.

This is so so so so annoying and crazy!

Source: The Stir

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