Thursday 6 March 2014

400 level OAU student commits suicide after being jilted by female lover

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Here is an update of the 400 level OAU student who committed suicide (Read it HERE ).

Ige Dipo who reportedly committed suicide did so after he was jilted by his female lover.

Dipo, a member of Christ Apostolic Church fellowship on campus, is said to have ingested poisonous which led to his death.

The woman he was dating had been financing his education before she allegedly broke up with him due to his poor background.

Sources with knowledge on the matter said Dipo who was usually a loner withdrew into his shell even more after being emotionally traumatized by the incident.

The above average student threatened to take his life should his ex-girlfriend not accept his overtures for reconciliation and eventually did take his own life after he was rebuffed.

Dipo’s suicide note left for his father reads in part: “Father, while reading this message, I would have been gone.”

#Things we do for love! Oh dear!!

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