Friday 13 December 2013

Is this kind of fashion really coming from a pastor's wife???

32 year old actress (Meagan) and the wife of a Seventh Day Adventist pastor (Pastor Devon Franklin) was seen at a movie premier yesterday in cleavage revealing golden dress that showed off her thigh. The popular actress who is well known for her role as Mya in the hit movie 'Think Like A Man' was under attack for also wearing a cleavage revealing dress to the BET Awards as a pastor's wife. Here is all she has to say;  "I know my relationship with God is tight and I don’t think God is concerned about those kind of things.”
“I never forgot God was there for a second.. and would never be ashamed of what I’m wearing (in) front of him. He loves me for exactly who He created me to be despite what anyone else thinks.”
Hot or Not?

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