1. Coca-Cola was originally
2. The name of all the
continents end with the
same letter that they start
with i.e A nd A
3. The strongest muscle in
the body is the tongue
4. There are 2 credit cards
for every personin the
United States
5. you can't kill yourself
by holding your breathe
6. It's impossible to lick
your elbow (Stop Smiling,
Its very funny).
7.when you sneeze,your
heart stops for a
8.It's physically
impossible for pigs to look
up into the sky.
9. If you sneeze too
hard,you can fracture a
rib,If you try to suppress a
sneeze,you can rupture a
blood vessel in your head
or neck and Die.
10. what do bullet proof
vests,fire escapes,winshie
l1. wipers and laser
printers all have one thing in
common--All invented
by women!!
12. The only food that
doesn't spoil is Honey.
13. A crocodile can't stick
its tongue out.
14. A snail can sleep for 3
15. All polar bears are left
16. Butterflies taste with
their feet.
17. Elephants are the only
animals that can't Jump.
18. On average,people
fear spiders than they do
fear Death.
19. Electric Chair was
invented by a Dentist.
20. Stewardesses is the
longest word typed with
only the left hand.
21. The ants always falls
over on its right side
when intoxicated.
22. Rats multiply so
quickly that in 18 months,
2 rats could have over
million descendants.
23.Wearing headphones
for just an hour will
increase the bacteria in
your ear by 700 times.
24. The cigarette lighter
was invented before the
match (Matches used in
making Fire).
25. Most lipsticks contains
fish scales.
26. The first computers to
be invented used
vaccume tube instead of
27. Studies show that if a
man meets a woman in a
dangerous situation [and
vice versa], they are more
likely to fall in love.
28. The right ear is more
efficient for listening to
speech, while the left ear
is better at listening to
29. When a male honey
bee climaxes during sex,
his testicles explode and
he dies.
30. Humans and dolphins
are the only animals that
have sex for their
31. A hippo can open its
mouth wide enough to fit
a 4 foot tall child inside.
32. Before the
stethoscope was
invented, doctors used to
put their head next to a
woman's breasts to
measure their heart rate!
33. Newborns technically
can't cry. Tears can’t be
created or released until
they are about three
weeks old.
34. The number of births
in India each year is
greater than the entire
population of Australia.
35. In England, suicide
used to be illegal.The
punishment for trying to
kill yourself was 'death'..lolz
36. You can live for weeks
without eating,but will
most likely die after 11
days without sleep.
37. The only part of the
body that has no blood
supply is the cornea in the
eye. It takes in oxygen
directly from the air.
38. After 5 minutes of
waking , 50% of your
dream is forgotten, within
10 minutes ,90% is gone.
39. The hummingbird is
the only bird that can fly
40. 95% of humans really
dont know what they are
capable of until they are
2. The name of all the
continents end with the
same letter that they start
with i.e A nd A
3. The strongest muscle in
the body is the tongue
4. There are 2 credit cards
for every personin the
United States
5. you can't kill yourself
by holding your breathe
6. It's impossible to lick
your elbow (Stop Smiling,
Its very funny).
7.when you sneeze,your
heart stops for a
8.It's physically
impossible for pigs to look
up into the sky.
9. If you sneeze too
hard,you can fracture a
rib,If you try to suppress a
sneeze,you can rupture a
blood vessel in your head
or neck and Die.
10. what do bullet proof
vests,fire escapes,winshie
l1. wipers and laser
printers all have one thing in
common--All invented
by women!!
12. The only food that
doesn't spoil is Honey.
13. A crocodile can't stick
its tongue out.
14. A snail can sleep for 3
15. All polar bears are left
16. Butterflies taste with
their feet.
17. Elephants are the only
animals that can't Jump.
18. On average,people
fear spiders than they do
fear Death.
19. Electric Chair was
invented by a Dentist.
20. Stewardesses is the
longest word typed with
only the left hand.
21. The ants always falls
over on its right side
when intoxicated.
22. Rats multiply so
quickly that in 18 months,
2 rats could have over
million descendants.
23.Wearing headphones
for just an hour will
increase the bacteria in
your ear by 700 times.
24. The cigarette lighter
was invented before the
match (Matches used in
making Fire).
25. Most lipsticks contains
fish scales.
26. The first computers to
be invented used
vaccume tube instead of
27. Studies show that if a
man meets a woman in a
dangerous situation [and
vice versa], they are more
likely to fall in love.
28. The right ear is more
efficient for listening to
speech, while the left ear
is better at listening to
29. When a male honey
bee climaxes during sex,
his testicles explode and
he dies.
30. Humans and dolphins
are the only animals that
have sex for their
31. A hippo can open its
mouth wide enough to fit
a 4 foot tall child inside.
32. Before the
stethoscope was
invented, doctors used to
put their head next to a
woman's breasts to
measure their heart rate!
33. Newborns technically
can't cry. Tears can’t be
created or released until
they are about three
weeks old.
34. The number of births
in India each year is
greater than the entire
population of Australia.
35. In England, suicide
used to be illegal.The
punishment for trying to
kill yourself was 'death'..lolz
36. You can live for weeks
without eating,but will
most likely die after 11
days without sleep.
37. The only part of the
body that has no blood
supply is the cornea in the
eye. It takes in oxygen
directly from the air.
38. After 5 minutes of
waking , 50% of your
dream is forgotten, within
10 minutes ,90% is gone.
39. The hummingbird is
the only bird that can fly
40. 95% of humans really
dont know what they are
capable of until they are