Wednesday 15 August 2012

20-year-old caught by father trying to Defile his grandmother ‘because he couldn’t get a girlfriend

Samuel Dye
A 20-year-old man attempted to rape his grandmother after complaining to her he could not get a girlfriend.
Samuel Dye is alleged to have beaten his grandmother with a hammer before launching the s*x attack.
He had complained about not being able to find a girlfriend and told her he was going to ‘get some’.

Police said Dye’s assault was stopped by his father after he heard the screams of his 61-year-old mother. He found his son on top of his mother with his trousers pulled down and hitting her in the head with a hammer. The father pulled his son away and detained him until police arrived.

The alleged attack took place after Dye turned up at his grandmother’s home in Chester, South Carolina, at 4am last Thursday.

The woman told police Dye showed up at her home with a hammer in his hand and began complaining about not having a girlfriend. He said he was going to ‘get some’.

The arrest report, seen by the Charlotte Observer, said Dye began attacking her. She pleaded with her grandson to stop and suggested they pray together. Dye then exposed himself to the woman and tried to r*pe her before hitting her in the head again and knocking her onto the ground, the report states.

Sheriff Richard Smith said Dye’s father caught him ‘in the act’ of trying to r*pe his mother. Dye is being held at the Chester County Detention Center having been charged with charged with attempted murder and attempted s*xual contact.

Records with the State Law Enforcement Division shows that Dye has no prior criminal history in South Carolina, aside from a seat belt violation that is still pending in court, it was reported by the Charlotte Observer.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Nigerian Olympic Star: I've Never ACTUALLY Been to Nigeria! -- Al-Farouq...

Female Banker Yinka Johnson kills LASTMA official in Lagos

Yinka Johnson kills Lastma officer
A female banker, Yinka Johnson, on Friday crushed an official of the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority, Mr. Hameed Balogun, while driving against the traffic in the Ajah area of the state.
This came three weeks after another official of the agency, Mustapher Adeleke, was crushed by a bus driver, who was driving against traffic.

The incident was recorded a week after the Governor Babatunde Fashola signed the new traffic law.
According to LASTMA authorities, Johnson, who is an employee of Stanbic IBTC, ran over the traffic official when he accosted her for contravening the law.

The General Manager, LASTMA, Mr. Babatunde Edu, said after hitting the 33-year-old LASTMA official, Johnson ran into Ikota Estate, Ajah, where security guards prevented LASTMA officials from arresting her.
He said, “Balogun was this morning (yesterday) killed by a banker on the Lekki-Ajah Expressway while carrying out his official assignment at his duty post at Mega City, Ajah.

“The driver, whose identity was revealed by the Auto Inspector device as Yinka Johnson, an employee of IBTC, drove in a green LandRover Jeep with registration number CY 276 LSD against traffic from Mega Chicken inward toll plaza two.

“She was intercepted by three officials of LASTMA led by the Head of Operations, Mr. Quayum Asafa, for traffic violation. Johnson started driving recklessly in order to escape and in the process ran over the officer.
“The deceased was rushed to Germaine Hospital where he later died as a result of injury sustained from the accident. The corpse was deposited at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, for autopsy.

“Realising what she had done, she ran and escaped from the scene of the incident into Ikota Estate, Ajah with the security men shutting the gate.

“The situation became riotous as the security attached to the gate refused all entries to open the gate until the intervention of the Area Commander in charge of Area J, Mr. Felix Uwamli, who called for backup before access could be gained into the Estate.”

At 22year old Conjoined twins share two spines, two hearts, two stomachs, kidneys in One Body

Extraordinary bond: Conjoined twins Abigail and Brittany Hensel have been given their own reality TV show charting their graduation and travels through Europe
They were never expected to survive beyond a few days.
But conjoined twins Abigail and Brittany Hensel have not only proved doctors wrong, they have astonished them with their development into darling children, typical teenagers and, lately, beautiful young adults.
Now the 22-year-olds, who share one body fused at the torso, will be starring in their own reality TV show chronicling their graduation from Bethel University in Minnesota, their post-grad job search and their travels through Europe with friends.

Astonishing development: The 22-year-olds, who share one body, graduated from Bethel University in Minnesota, a story that will form part of the show
Astonishing development: The 22-year-olds, who share one body, graduated from Bethel University in Minnesota, a story that will form part of the show
The girls first captivated the world in 1996 when they appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and the cover of Life Magazine.

Since then they have lived a quiet, normal life with their family in Minnesota, keeping away from the media spotlight until they agreed to appear on a documentary for TLC when they turned 16.
The broadcaster has now given them their own show called ‘Abby and Brittany’ which will premiere on August 28.

When the Hensel twins were born on March 7, 1990, in Minnesota in the United States, doctors warned their parents Patty, a registered nurse, and Mike, a carpenter and landscaper, that they were unlikely to survive the night.
But that prediction was to prove wildy wrong.

PHOTOS – Nollywood actress, Mary Remmy is engaged to Jason Njoku of IROKO TV

Nollywood actress – Mary Remmy and iROKOtv’s CEO & Founder ,Jason Njoku have been engaged for the past 6 months. They sure kept that one quiet. This news was posted on iROKO Tv’s Facebook page earlier today. The couple reportedly met almost 2 years ago. We wish them a big congrate.
mary remmy engaged to jason njoku

Real Life Story – His Mother was Sexually Abusing him since he was 13year-old

Real Life Story

Femi was born into a comfortable family but his father died when he was 13yrs old and ever since then his mother has been s*xually abusing him, which affected his relationship with people especially with females. He keeps to himself even at school.
His mother had warned him not to speak with anyone and not to have other friends. However, Femi didn’t understand why his mother was engaging in such act and he was too scared to talk to anybody about it, and for years, he has been carrying out his mother’s wish….sleeping with her.

The relationship continued for 4years before Femi finally gathered up courage to confide in a teacher he came across at a school program. When his mother was asked why she engaged in such dirty act she said:
“I am truly sorry,  I don’t want people to tag me as a promiscuous woman” so I decided to keep it within the house………… What kind of a mother s*xually abuses her son?

What should be done about a situation like this? Will Femi be able to get over this?

7 Types of Men You Should Avoid When Dating

Women always say, “I didn’t know he was like that” when their boyfriends perform acts that cause everyone around them shame. In some cases they really weren’t aware of the boyfriend’s mischievous deeds, but in other cases women knew well in advance they just hoped he would stop.

Most women are not stupid, gullible, dumb, or any other name critics choose to call them for the selections in men they make. For some, they truly had no idea their boyfriend meant bad news for them. The ever-popular question of, “Why did she get herself involved with him anyway?” continues to loom over their heads and the reasons vary depending on whom you ask. Some women may have found out about their problem boyfriend and stayed because of love, status, money and/or power. Others may have stayed because they didn’t want to carry the guilt of leaving their children’s father over issues they feel could be resolved.

Still many women feel they can change him. As long as women continue to believe that the power of sex, money, counseling, personal sacrifice or a host of other strategies to change a bad man will work, they will continue to subject themselves to mental and physical abuse. These strategies simply will never work for some men. There comes a time when women will have to get off their knees whether she is praying to God or pleading to her mate to change. She will have to stand up carrying her self-respect in hand and walk right through the door of “end the relationship now.”

The following advice is written for women who haven’t yet made a commitment or a baby with a “bad boy.” She may be struggling with whether she is ready to settle down with him, distance herself from him or keep him as a friend. Although the best advice is not to offer to carry him or his burdens and just leave him alone, there will be those women who will still stay. If those women choose to stay, they have committed themselves to a hard life of many restless nights, aches and pains at times mentally and/or physically and they most likely will past negative behaviors to their future children and their children.
  • The Liar – In the beginning of the relationship, you caught him in a few white lies. He had what seemed like convincing excuses; therefore you let him get away with them. Now the lying has increased and the excuses have become minimal if not at all. Actions you may want to consider are the following: Approach him not only with what you think, but what you know; in other words have proof. Stop taking his lying lightly. Let him know that this behavior you will not accept any longer. If he chooses to continue lying, then tell him you will have to end the relationship for good. Once you have made a decision that you are leaving, begin to make efforts to not be contacted by him (change your cell phone number, block his email address, put places you hang out frequently on hold, and avoid telling mutual friends about your personal whereabouts, thoughts and feelings. You must not leave and then go back to him, he will only get better about lying to you over time.
  • The Player also known as The Pimp – This man is obsessed with being contacted or making contact with the opposite sex. He will use cell phone, email, your house phone or friends to make contact with whomever he meets. He will leave a trail of evidence whether it is the popular piece of paper that slips out of his pocket with a phone number without a name, restaurant receipts, hotel charges, cologne or jewelry gifts, read and sent email that sits in his account that he forgot to delete. He begins to create a pattern in his actions when you have become old and someone else becomes new. Look out for this repetitious pattern. He may develop his pattern after work on a daily basis working later and later nights at the office then when he comes home he is providing almost too much detail about what happened at work or not at all
  • Another pattern he may create may be choosing a hobby or interest that is very unusual to his personality and attending this faithfully, what you can do to find out if he is sincere is offer to pick him up from the pottery class on some nights. Watch his reaction. There may also be the weekend pattern of always “needing to get away, have some time to myself, or I’m so busy with errands.” All the while making little or no time for the two of you to go out and be seen together. When you suggest new places to visit, he finds an excuse to take you to the same area you both are familiar to keep from running into the other woman or women. He finds a way, anyway, to travel to places without you regularly using an excuse such as “I’m going to my mother’s house or hanging out with Rick, Joe or someone you never heard of Frank.” Be careful family and friends will cover for him. He will call you, at times when he knows you are out and about to see if you will be in the proximity where he will be entertaining the other woman or women. He is protective of his cell phone and his computer; if you tried to check either it may be password protected. You may want to consider whether having to worry over your man’s whereabouts is worth all of this aggravation. In time, you will become insecure, angry for no apparent reason, and develop a since of distrust toward everyone you meet. This is baggage you don’t need.
  • The Thief – He has been around when things go missing. At first you didn’t suspect him and thought items had just been misplaced or he blamed someone else for taking them. Yet, you have always had a funny feeling in your gut that he was the one who made off with your dad’s tools, took your favorite CD, helped himself to some cash sitting around, and other important items. It is time to come up with a plan, set him up. The kind of plan you come up with can’t be easily figured out by him and if you sincerely want your restless conscience to be at peace, then go to great lengths to figure out whether he is trustworthy. Time is money and the longer you stay with him, the more items will go missing.
  • The Hustler – He is always thinking of a way to separate people from their money illegally. From identity theft to standing on the street corner selling drugs, he always has a knot of money and doesn’t mind living lavishly. Now you may think that what he has told you about his daytime job is paying the bills, but the truth of the matter that job didn’t pay for the designer clothing and expensive jewelry you wear; instead it was the second one you may or may not know about. This man is dangerous. He has enemies and one day some one will catch up with him, you or anyone who associates with either of you, and the sight won’t be pretty. You must ask yourself this question, is he worth putting your life and everyone else’s lives around you in danger?
  • The Abuser/Controller – You can never do anything right. He is often critical, walks around with an attitude and every opportunity he has alone he wants you to stop living your world to be with him. In the beginning of the relationship, you justified his negative personality with excuse after excuse. Whether he is physically ill, illiterate, disabled or mentally disturbed and on medication, you have a right to explain how you feel about him to him. You may have done this already and got knocked to the ground whether verbally or physically. You may have told yourself that things will get better and he is making an effort to change. Well that is good if he is sincere about becoming a better man; however, he can make those strides without you living with him and subjecting yourself to his name calling, mood swings, choking, punching, and grabbing. There are no rewards in heaven given to women who allow themselves to be abused by men. There was only one Christ in the Holy Bible and you are not He. (Read more about the abuser in an article I wrote entitled, “How To Know Your Boyfriend Is Abusive” at this site.)
  • The Mooch – You have invited him once again on an outing and he never has any money in his wallet. During inopportune times, he says he needs to stop at the ATM and you know there is none even close to where the two of you are located. When he offers to take you out, he usually picks a place that he doesn’t have to pay much (despite the fact that when it was on your tab he ordered steak and another time lobster!) He drives your car and doesn’t fill it up, when you mention it; he finally puts some gas in the tank — a measly $5 or $10. Holidays come and go with very little if any acknowledgment from him. Yet, you bought him (and possibly his relatives) really nice gifts whether it was a holiday or not. He displays affection, says all the right things, and listens to your concerns only when he knows he needs something from you.
  • If you choose to continue a relationship with this man you have options and they are as follows. You could stop being so generous and treat him how he treats you. For example, when you invite him out, treat him to the kind of places he takes you. Put a limit on how often he drives your car. Avoid helping him when he is in a bind since you know he won’t help you. Make yourself unavailable to run errands for him and anyone associated with him (that includes his children by a previous relationship, his mother, sister or brother.) If he begins to see you are no fool, he won’t continue to run over you and will grow to appreciate you. However, if he doesn’t you will be making it easy for him to walk away from you without you having to break up with him
  • The Drunk/ Drug Abuser – How many times have you seen him intoxicated or using drugs? Is he fun, angry, disgusting or depressed afterward? Are most of the relationship problems you have been facing associated with this type of behavior? If so, then you will have to consider whether or not you will help him get counseling from a distance, continue to live with him and endure the abuse, leave him alone altogether or create an intervention for him that includes a professional counselor, family and friends who have all been affected by his negative ways. If he consistently refuses help, then for your own sanity and safety, leave him alone.

Photos – Ben Murray Bruce’s First Son Weds Longtime Girlfriend, Irene Chilabakis

Photos of Ben Murray Bruce’s First Son, Jonathan Murray Bruce Weds Longtime Girlfriend, Irene Chilabakis. We congratulate them and also wish them a happy married life.

31-year-old Woman Stabbed and Killed Fiance On Wedding Day

31-year-old Woman Stabbed and Killed Fiance On Wedding Day

woman kills fiance on wedding day
HOKENDAUQUA, Pa. — An eastern Pennsylvania woman who was supposed to be spending her first full day as a newlywed was instead in jail Sunday, accused of killing her fiance hours before they were to get married, authorities said.

Na Cola Darcel Franklin, 31, was charged with criminal homicide in Saturday morning stabbing death of Billy Rafeal Brewster, 36, in their Whitehall Township apartment.

At her arraignment by video from jail Saturday, Franklin – apparently unable to grasp that he was dead – pleaded to the judge, “You got to check again!” according to the Morning Call newspaper in Allentown.

After District Judge Donna Butler told her that Brewster had been pronounced dead earlier, Franklin wailed and covered her face in her hands.

“I want my family back,” she said, rocking gently back and forth. “I want to go home.”

When asked if she understood the homicide charge, Franklin wept and choked out the words one at a time.

“I … did … not … kill … him … on … purpose,” she said, according to the newspaper.

Franklin and Brewster were to be married at 10 a.m. Saturday, but police said they were called to the apartment shortly after 2 a.m. Saturday and found Brewster bleeding from the torso as he lay on the landing outside his apartment. He was pronounced dead a little over an hour later at a hospital, District Attorney Jim Martin said.

The Lehigh County coroner’s office said a preliminary investigation revealed two stab wounds that resulted in a punctured heart.

Neighbor Steve Engel said the pastor who was supposed to perform the ceremony came to the building after not being able to reach the couple, and others who were apparently going to the wedding also showed up at the building throughout the day.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Side view or front view??? Think Differently..


A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over the business. Instead of choosing one of his Directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company together. He said, “It is time for me to step down and choose the next CEO. I have decided to choose one of you.” The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued. “I am going to give each one of you a SEED today – one very special SEED. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from the seed I have given you. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO.” One man, named Jim, was there that day and he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and excitedly, told his wife the story. She helped him get a pot, soil and compost and he planted the seed. Everyday, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other executives began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. Jim kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but Jim didn’t have a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by — still nothing in Jim’s pot. He just knew he had killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing. Jim didn’t say anything to his colleagues, however… He just kept watering and fertilizing the soil – He so wanted the seed to grow. A year finally went by and all the young executives of the company brought their plants to the CEO for inspection. Jim told his wife that he wasn’t going to take an empty pot. But she asked him to be honest about what happened. Jim felt sick to his stomach, it was going to be the most embarrassing moment of his life, but he knew his wife was right. He took his empty pot to the board room. When Jim arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other executives. They were beautiful — in all shapes and sizes. Jim put his empty pot on the floor and many of his colleagues laughed, a few felt sorry for him! When the CEO arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted his young executives. Jim just tried to hide in the back. “My, what great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown,” said the CEO. “Today one of you will be appointed the next CEO!” All of a sudden, the CEO spotted Jim at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered the Financial Director to bring him to the front. Jim was terrified. He thought, “The CEO knows I’m a failure! Maybe he will have me fired!” When Jim got to the front, the CEO asked him what had happened to his seed – Jim told him the story. The CEO asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced to the young executives, “Behold your next Chief Executive Officer! His name is Jim!” Jim couldn’t believe it. Jim couldn’t even grow his seed. “How could he be the new CEO?” the others said. Then the CEO said, “One year ago today, I gave everyone in this room a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds; they were dead – it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new Chief Executive Officer!”
* If you plant honesty, you will reap trust.
* If you plant goodness, you will reap friends.
* If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.
* If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment.
* If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective.
* If you plant hard work, you will reap success.
* If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
* If you plant faith in God , you will reap a harvest.
So, be careful what you plant now; it will determine what you will reap later.. 
“Whatever You Give To Life, Life Gives You back.. #Fact#

There will be another civil war if Jonathan is impeached – Asari Dokubo

There will be another civil war if Jonathan is impeached – Asari Dokubo

Former President of Ijaw Youth Congress (IYC) and leader of Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF) Asari Dokubo on has said that those those who want  President Goodluck Jonathan impeached are looking for another civil war.

Mr Dokubo, who addressed a press conference in Abuja on Monday,  said “we are saying that nothing must happen to Jonathan because if anything happens to him, the world will know.”

Speaking on the Boko Haram insurgency, Mr Dokubo said “the arrogance of Boko Haram is un-Islamic. The type of bomb they are using is small. If we begin to throw bombs, nobody will stay in Abuja. We don’t manufacture bomb but we will buy them and dynamites. I started armed struggle in the Niger Delta. It is because of Goodluck Jonathan that we kept quiet.

“But soon, we will not be able to guarantee our patience any more. If Ijaw people should retaliate, every household in the North will cry. It is the North that needs peace more than us. Everybody must impress it on them that they should sheathe their swords and drop their arrogance.”

The former militant leader further said it was an insult on President Jonathan for him to be asked by Boko Haram to convert to Islam or resign his position. He warned that the Ijaw nation will retaliate should anything happen to the president.

Friday 3 August 2012

Worlds largest family...

Worlds largest family....the man in front is the father of these many children and with over 30 wives..  Father of a nation i would call this..

Charlie boy displaying his ugly buttock.. This is Insanity!!

Psquare's Mother laid to rest. August 2nd, 2012!!

The Okoye family have officially laid their mother, Mrs Josephine Okoye to rest at their home town of Awka in Anambra State.

Until her death, the late Mrs Okoye was the General Overseer of Friends of Jesus Catholic Prayer Ministry in Jos, Plateau State.

She was aged 62 at the time of her death and survived by her husband, Mr Moses Okoye, and 8 children including, Peter, Paul & Jude Okoye.

May her soul rest in peace!! Amen!!

Weightlifter Sa Jae-hyouk dislocates elbow in London Olympics’ most gruesome injury

LONDON — So you want to be a 77kg (170 pounds) weightlifter, eh? FYI: Sometimes things work out as they did for Sa Jae-hyouk of South Korea during the London Olympics on Wednesday:

That thing that looks like a bran muffin under Sa's skin on his right arm would be his elbow, which was dislocated as he attempted a 162kg (357 pounds) lift in the snatch, according to the Daily Mail. He screamed in pain, as medical and team personnel rushed over to assist him at ExCeL arena. It was all quite unsettling.
Video and a photo you can't un-see coming up.
First, here's how it looked when Sa's elbow buckled on the lift:
And now, a selection from Fourth-Place Medal's forthcoming coffee table book, "Elbows Shouldn't Look Like That":
Jae-hyouk rallied to win gold in Beijing at the 2008 Games, and was expected to medal again in London. Alas, the only title he's chasing now is likely "Most Gruesome Injury of the 2012 Games."

Thursday 2 August 2012

Loving & Caring Mother!! God bless our Mamas!!!

Mom ran a small shop at the cloth market. She collected little weeds and such to sell... anything for the money we needed, she was such an embarrassment. There was this one day during elementary school, I remember that it was field day, and my mo...m came. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school..."Your mom only has one eye?!" and they taunted me.
I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world so I said to my mom, "Mom, why don't you have the other eye?! You're only going to make me a laughingstock. Why don't you just die?" My mom did not respond. I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt good to think that I had said what I'd wanted to say all this time.
Maybe it was because my mom hadn't punished me, but I didn't think that I had hurt her feelings very badly.
That night... I woke up, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. My mom was crying there, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might wake me. I took a look at her, and then turned away. Because of the thing I had said to her earlier, there was something pinching at me in the corner of my heart. Even so, I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye. So I told myself that I would grow up and become successful, because I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate poverty.
Then I studied really hard. I left my mother and came to the University outside the state with all the confidence I had. Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. Then I had kids, too. Now I'm living happily as a successful man. I like it here because it's a place that doesn't remind me of my mom.
This happiness was getting bigger and bigger, when someone unexpected came to see me. "What?! Who's this?!"... It was my mother... Still with her one eye. It felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me. My little girl ran away, scared of my mom's eye. And I asked her, "Who are you? I don't know you!!!" as if I tried to make that real. I screamed at her "How dare you come to my house and scare my daughter! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!" And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address," and she disappeared. Thank goodness... she doesn't recognize me. I was quite relieved. I told myself that I wasn't going to care, or think about this for the rest of my life.Then a wave of relief came upon me... One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. I lied to my wife saying that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went down to the old shack, that I used to call a house... just out of curiosity there, I found my mother fallen on the cold ground. But I did not shed a single tear. She had a piece of paper in her hand.... it was a letter to me.

She wrote:
My son... I think my life has been long enough now. And... I won't visit Seoul anymore... but would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to come visit me once in a while? I miss you so much. And I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I decided not to go to the school... For you... I'm sorry that I only have one eye, and I was an embarrassment for you.
You see, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye... so I gave you mine... I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. I was never upset at you for anything you did. The couple times that you were angry with me, I thought to myself, "it's because he loves me." I miss the times when you were still young around me.
I miss you so much. I love you. You mean the world to me.
My world shattered!!! Then I cried for the person who lived for me... My Mother .

Hmmm. A mother can never be replaced>

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Identical Twin Sisters Give Birth One Hour Apart

Identical Twin Sisters Give Birth One Hour Apart

Twin sisters, Shaakira White and Zaakira Mitchell of South Carolina, gave birth just an hour apart on July 24th - and one gave birth to twins. Mitchell was accompanying her sister to her doctor’s appointment, and then suddenly they both went into labor.


Tuesday 31 July 2012

Lagos: Still at the mercy of danfo drivers

OF all the problems facing Lagos, the worst might be traffic. Chaotic traffic in Lagos is man-made – a phenomenon as destructive and inevitable as the rains that falls anytime of the year.
Some residents believe that there is no weekend for traffic in Lagos.
Traffic is every day and Lagosians have words for traffic the way Eskimos have words for snow: congestion, logjam, lock-down, holdup, gridlock, deadlock, and the wonderfully evocative go-slow.
Summary of danfo drivers’ psyche: The most popular commercial bus in Lagos is known as a Danfo. Someone at a time said that “the average Danfo driver either has psychological  imbalance or he is possessed by some spirit of self destruction.
“They drive like they get a medal every time they bash or scratch their vehicles, and they have no problems scratching yours. Who else would change lanes without indicating or race into an express road without looking out for other drivers knowing very well that he do not have the right of way?
Danfo drivers of course. They have never ceased to amaze me with the kind of risks they take, the norm for them is for the conductor to hang by the door, and shout to attract passengers, they just seem unable to sit down in the bus ..”
* Danfo buses in Lagos…can they be phased out?
According to him; “Clearly the Danfo driver is unpredictable and unwell, plus they think they are stunt men.”
Case study: Sometime in June, the Lagos State Government issued a 48-hour ultimatum to commercial bus operators, danfo drivers, in Ikorodu, especially those indiscriminately discharging and loading passengers at the town’s roundabout, to move to the designated motor park at Sabo or face the wrath of the law. The order by the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority, LASTMA, said the move was aimed at ensuring the safety of lives and free flow of traffic in the area.
Special offences
The General Manager of LASTMA, Babatunde Edu, issued the order during a meeting jointly organised by the agency and the Lagos State Task Force on Environmental and other Special Offences for the National Union of Road Transport Workers and the Road Transport Employees Association of Nigeria at Alausa, Ikeja. The following week, life was back to ‘normal’ with the danfo drivers doing the exact opposite of what the order stipulated.
Although some efforts were made to arrest some of them, the government had to abandon the enforcement drive because the commercial bus operators are fond of flouting traffic rules and regulations. They always drive in directions prohibited by the law and have turned every nook and cranny of Ikorodu into parks rather than using the dedicated spaces allocated to them.
Lagos’ unsuccessful plan to phase-out Danfo: The introduction of the now popular Lagbus by the Lagos State government, some years ago, no doubt signified some attempts by the state government to improve on the chaotic transportation system in the city.
It is on record that despite its explosive population, which enumerators had put at over 18 million people, the city has been battling with the problem of finding a suitable means of conveying this vast population of residents from one place to the other.
For instance, before the advent of the Lagbus, a public private partnership initiative between the Lagos State government and some investors in the state, the former capital city had been under the siege of the Molue and the yellow buses, popularly known as danfo.
Fresh hope but for how long
“It is no longer business as usual for Lagos State residents and road users who are bent on going against traffic laws and regulations. Right now, measures are in-place to ensure that offenders are brought to book.” This is according to Bisi Yusuff, a lawmaker representing Alimosho constituency 1 and the Chairman House committee on Transportation, Commerce and Industry who added that there is severe punishment awaiting road offender in the state.
Traffic offenders
In a chat with Vanguard, he said further: “Traffic offenders will not go unpunished. There are measures in-place to ensure that traffic offenders do not go unpunished. And that is what agencies like Motor Vehicle Administration is embarking upon. Its operation is already in place, right now, there are bigger plans by the agency.”
His words: “This agency is saddled with the responsible of tracing any vehicle with its number plate. A motorist can be traced to his or her house through his or her number plate. Therefore, it is no longer needed for any traffic agency to run after traffic offenders. The only thing is to get the number plate and anyone who is caught will be brought to book. Again, anyone who violates traffic light rules and regulations would be fined the sum of N30,000.
While calling on Lagos residents to take the responsibility of arresting traffic offenders and handing them over to the appropriate agency for proper prosecution, he said, “anyone who wants to arrest traffic offenders must be extra careful and such individuals must know that they have limits. The first step is to capture the number plate of the vehicle and hand over the information to nearest law enforcement agent for proper arrest and prosecution.”
Why commercial buses flout traffic order
From investigation, it was observed that some vehicles which violate traffic order when intercepted, are found to be owned by uniform men, officials of LASTMA and leaders of NURTW or the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria, RTEAN. Most of them are familiar with senior officers at the other end of the divide.
Most times when erring commercial vehicle drivers are apprehended, calls are immediately put through to their owners who in turn, speak with the officials of the contravening agency, at the end of which the vehicles are released. In some cases, the drivers turn out to be serving or retired uniform men who usually plead for the essence of  esprit de corps .
At times also, it was discovered that some of the arresting officials bow to the temptation of corruption by accepting gratification which are never remitted into government coffers, before the vehicles are released to the owners, an action  commercial vehicle drivers gladly opt for.
It was reliably gathered that sometimes, some impounded vehicles are taken to LASTMA offices but would not be parked inside the yard, apparently to give the erring motorists an impression that they meant business. This, however, occurred when a huge amount is demanded.

Monday 30 July 2012


Must Read...

A mother (97 years old), feeding and taking care of her paralysed son (60 years old) everyday for more than 19 years . This is happening in China.

Be Grateful for Our Beloved Parents, Thank You for Your Unconditional Love and Care since we were born. We Love You Always. :)

*If you are deeply touched by this picture, please feel free to Share your LOVE with your friends.♥


Two years after our marriage, hubby brought up the idea of asking Mother to move from the rural hometown of Rusape and spend her remaining years with us. Hubby’s father passed away while he was still very young. Mother endured much hardship and struggled all on her own to provide for him, see him through to a university degree. You could say that she suffered a great deal and did everything you could expect of a woman to bring hubby to where he is today. I immediately agreed and started packing the spare room, which has a balcony facing the South to let her enjoy the sunshine and plant greenery. Hubby stood in the bright room, and suddenly just picked me up and
started spinning round and round. As I begged him to put me down, he said: “Lets go fetch mother.” Hubby is tall and big sized and I love to test on his chest and enjoy the feeling that he could pick me up at any moment put the tiny me into his pockets. Whenever we have an argument and both refuses to back down, he would pick me up and spin me over his head continuously until
I surrender and beg for mercy. I became addicted to this kind of panic-joy feeling. Mother brought along her countryside habits and lifestyle with her. For example; I am so used to buying flowers to decorate the living room, she could not stand it and would comment: “I do not know how you young people spend your money, why do you buy flowers for? You also can’t eat flowers!” I smiled and said: “Mum, with flowers in the house, our mood will also become better.” Mother continues to grumble away, and hubby smiled: “Mum, this is a city-people’s habit; slowly you will get used to it.” Mother stopped saying anything. But every time thereafter, whenever came home with flowers, she would ask me how much it costs. I told her and she would shake her head and express displeasure. Sometimes, when I come home with lots of shopping bags, she would ask each and every item how much they cost, I would tell her honestly and she would get even more upset about it. Hubby playfully pinched my nose and said: “You little fool, just don’t tell her the full price of everything would solve it.” There begins the friction to our otherwise happy lifestyle. Mother hates it most when hubby wakes up early to prepare the breakfast. In your view, how could the man of the house cook for the wife? At the breakfast table, mother facial expression is always like the dark clouds before a thunderstorm and I would pretend not to notice. She would use her spoon and make a lot of noise with it as her silent protest. As I am a dance teacher in the Children’s Palace and am exhausted from along day of dancing around, I do not wish to give up the luxury of
that additional few minutes in the comfort of my bed and hence I turned a deaf ear to all the protest mother makes. From time to time, mother would help out with some housework, but soon her help created additional work for me. For example: she would keep all kinds of plastic bags accumulating them so that she sell them later on, and resulted in our house being filled with all the trash bags; she would scrimp on dish washing detergent when helping to wash the dishes and so as not to hurt her feelings, I would quietly wash them again. One day, late at night, mother saw me quietly washing the dishes, and “Bam” she slams her bedroom door and cried very loudly in her room. Hubby was placed in a difficult position, and after that, he did not speak to me for that entire night. I pretended to be a spoilt child, tried acting cute, but he totally ignored me……. I got mad and asked him: “What did I do wrong?” Hubby stared at me and said: “Can’t you just give in to her once? We couldn’t possibly die eating from a bowl however unclean it is, right?” After that incident, for a long period of time, mother did not speak to me and you can feel that there is a very
awkward feeling hanging in the house. During that period of cold war, hubby was caught in dilemma as to who to please. In order to stop her son from having to prepare breakfast, mother took on the “all important” task of preparing breakfast without any prompting. At the breakfast table, mother would look at hubby happily eating his breakfast and cast that reprimanding stare at me for having failed to perform my duty as a wife. To avoid the embarrassing breakfast situation, I resorted to buying my own breakfast on my way to work. That night, while in bed, hubby was a little upset and asked me: “LD, is it because you think that mum’s cooking is not clean that’s why you chose not to eat at home?” He then turned his back on me and left me alone in tears as feeling of unfairness overwhelmed me. After some time, hubby sighed: “LD, just for me, can you have breakfast at home?” I was left with no choice but to return to the breakfast table…….
his is the second part in the
quadrilogy – “Dont Hold Grudges”.

Whatever you do as a couple be it in
an affair or marriage; it does not
make sense to break down
communication lines as the results
can only be bitter to both of you. You
might think you are fixing him/her
but the truth of the matter is you are
also fixing yourself. Any day that you
dont spend in a jovial mood is a one
less day from your God given life
that you chose to spend miserable.
Here continues my story …..
…….. The next morning, I was having porridge prepared by mother and I felt a sudden churn in my stomach and everything inside seem to be rushing up my throat. I tried to suppress the urge to throw up but I could not. I threw down the bowl, rushed into the washroom, and vomited everything out. Just as I was catching my breath, I saw mother crying and grumbling very loudly in her dialect, hubby was standing at the washroom doorway staring at me with fire burning in his eyes. I opened my mouth but no words came out of it, I really did not mean it. We had our very first big fight that day; mother took a look at us, then stood up and slowly made her way out of the house. Hubby gave me a final stare in the eye and followed mother down the stairs. For three days, hubby did not return home, not even a phone call. I was so furious, since mother arrived; I had been trying my best and putting up with her, what else do you want me to do? For no reason, I keep having the feeling to throw up and I simply have not appetite for food, coupled with all the events happening at home, I was at the low point in my life. Finally, a colleague said: “LD, you look terrible; you should go and see a doctor.” The doctor confirmed that I am pregnant. Now it became clear to me why I threw up that fateful morning, a sense of sadness floated through that otherwise happy news. Why didn’t hubby, and mother who had been through this before, thought of the possibility of this being the reason that day? At the hospital entrance, I saw my hubby standing there. It had only been three days, but he looked haggard. I had wanted to turn and leave, but one look at him and my heart soften, I couldn’t resist and called out to him. He followed my voice and
finally found me but he pretended that he doesn’t know me; he has that disgusted look in his eyes that cut right through my heart. I told myself not to look at him anymore, and hail a cab. At that moment, I have such a strong urge inside me to shout to my hubby: “Darling, I am having your baby!” and have him lift me up and spin me around in circles of joy. What I wanted didn’t happen and as I sat in the cab, my tears started rolling down. Why? Why our love couldn’t even withstand the test of one fight? Back home, I lay on the bed thinking about my hubby, and the disgusted look in his eyes. I cried and wet the corner of the blanket. That night, sound of the drawers opening woke me up. I switched on the lights and I saw hubby with tears rolling down his face. He was removing the money. I stared at him in silence; he ignored me, took the bank deposit book and some money and left the house. Maybe he really intends to leave me for good. What a rational man, so clear-cut in love and money matters. I gave a few dried laugh and tears starting streaming down again. The next day, I did not go to work. I wanted to clear this out and have a good talk with hubby. I reached his office and his secretary gave me a weird look and said: “Your husband’s mother had a traffic accident and has just dashed off to the hospital.” I stood there in shock. I rushed to the hospital and by the time I found hubby, mother had already passed away. Hubby did not look at me, his face was expressionless. I looked at mother’s pale white and thin face and I
couldn’t control the tears in my eyes. My god, how could this happen? Throughout the funeral, hubby did not say a single word to me, with only the occasional disgusted stare at me. I only managed to find out brief facts about the accident from other people. That day, after mother left the house, she walked in dazed toward the bus stop, apparently intending to go back to her old
house back in the countryside. As hubby ran after her, she tried to walk faster and as she tried to cross the street, a public bus came and hit her…I finally understood how much hubby must hate me, if I had not thrown up that morning, if we had not quarreled, if….In his heart, I am indirectly the killer of his mother. Hubby moved into mother’s room and came home every night with a strong liquor smell on him. And me, I am buried under the guilt and self- pity and could hardly breathe. I wanted to explain to him, tell him that we are going to have our baby soon, but each time, I saw the dead look in his eyes, all the words I have at the brink of my mouth just fell back in. I had rather he hit me real hard or give me a big and thorough scolding though none of these
events happening had been my fault at all. Many days of suffocating silence went by and as the days went by, hubby came home later and later. The deadlock between us continued, we were living together like strangers who don’t know each other. I am like the dead knot in his heart………………….. Check out for “Part III” in the next coming episodes.
This is the third part in the
quadrilogy – “Don’t Hold Grudges”.
Whatever you do as a couple be it in
an affair or marriage; it does not
make sense to break down
communication lines as the results
can only be bitter to both of you. You
might think you are fixing him/her
but the truth of the matter is you are
also fixing yourself. Any day that you
dont spend in a jovial mood is a one
less day from your God given life
that you chose to spend miserable.
Here continues my story …..
One day, I passed by a city centre Chicken Inn, looking into the glass window, I saw hubby and a girl sitting facing each other and he very lightly brushed her hair for her, I understood what it meant. After recovering from that moment of shock, I entered the restaurant, stood in front of my hubby and stared hard at him, not a tear in my eyes. I have nothing to say to him, and there is no need to say anything. The girl looked at me, looks at hubby, stands up and wanted to go, hubby stretched out his hand and stopped her. He stared back at me, challenging me. I can only hear my slow heart beat, beating, one by one as if at the brink of death. I eventually backed down, if I had
stood that any longer, I will collapse together with the baby inside me. That night, he did not come home; he had chosen to use that as a way to indicate to me: Following mother’s death so did our love for each other. He did not come home anymore after that. Sometimes, when I returned home from work, I can tell that the cupboard had been touched – he had returned to take some of his stuff. I no longer wish to call him; the initial desire to explain everything to him vanished. I lived
alone; I go for my medical checkups alone, my heart breaks again and again every time I see a guy carefully helping his wife through the physical examination. My office colleagues hinted to me to consider aborting the baby, I told them No, I will not.. I insisted on having to this baby, perhaps it is my way of repaying mother for causing her death. One day, I came home and I saw hubby sitting in the living room. The whole house was filled with cigarette smoke. On the coffee table, there was this piece of paper. I know what it is all about without even looking at it. In the two months plus of living alone, I have gradually learned to find peace within myself. I looked at him, removed my hat and said: “You wait a while, I will sign.” He looked at me, mixed feelings in his eyes, just like mine. As I hang up my coat, I keep repeating to myself “You cannot cry, you cannot cry…” my eyes hurt terribly, but I refused to let tears come out from there. After I hung up my coat, hubby’s eyes stared fixed at my bulging tummy. I smiled, walked over to the coffee table and pulled the paper towards me. Without even looking at what it says, I signed my name on it and pushed the paper to him. “LD, are you pregnant?” Since mother’s accident, this is the first time he spoke to me. I could not control my tears any further and they fell like raindrops. I said: “Yes, but it’s ok, you can leave now.” He did not go, in the dark, we sat, facing each other. Hubby slowly moved over me, his tears wet the blanket. In my heart, everything seems so far away, so far that even if I sprint, I could never reach them. I cannot remember how many times he repeated “sorry” to me. I had originally thought that I would forgive him, but now I can’t. In the western restaurant, in front of that girl, that cold look in his eyes, I will never forget, ever. We have drawn such deep scars in each other’s heart. For me, it’s unintentional; for him, totally intentional. I had been waiting for this moment of reconciliation, but I realized now, what had gone past is gone forever and could not repeated. Other than the thought of the baby inside me that would bring some warmth to my heart, I am totally cold towards him, I no longer eat anything he buys for me, I don’t take any presents from him and I stopped talking to him. >From the moment I signed on that piece of paper, marriage and love had vanished from my heart. Sometimes, hubby will try to come into the bedroom, but when he walks in, I will walk out to the living room. He had no choice but to sleep in mother’s room. At night, from his room, I can hear light sounds of groaning, I kept quiet. This
used to be his trick; last time, whenever I ignore him, he would fake illness and I will surrender and find out what is wrong with him, he would then grab me and laugh. He has forgotten that last time I cared for him and am concerned because there was love, but now, what is there between us? Hubby’s groaning came on and off continuing but I continuously ignored him…………………..

This is the last episode of the
Quadrilogy “Dont Hold Grudges”
For those of you reading this as your
first articles I would suggest you go
back to the first part as its a
continuation from the prior
Here goes my story ……
Almost everyday, he would buy something for the baby, infant products, children products and books that kids like to read. Bags and bags of it stacked inside his room till it is full. I know he is trying to use this to reach out to me, but I am no longer moved by his actions. He has no choice but to lock himself in his room and I can hear his typing away on his computer keyboard, maybe he is now addicted to web surfing but none of that matters to me anymore. It was sometime towards the end of spring in the following year, one late night, I screamed because of a sudden stomach pain, hubby came rushing into the room, its like he did not change and sleep, and had been waiting for this moment. He carried me and ran down the stairs, stopped a car, holding my hand very tightly
and kept wiping the sweat off my brow, throughout the journey to the hospital. Once we reached the hospital, he carried me and hurried into the delivery suite. Lying on the back of his skinny but warmth body, a thought crossed my mind: In my lifetime, who else would love me as much as he did? He held the delivery suite door opened and watch me go in; his warm eyes caused me to manage a smile at him despite my contraction pain. Coming out of the delivery room, hubby looked at our son and me, eyes tear with joy and he kept smiling. I reached out and touched his hand. Hubby looked at me, smiling and then he slowly collapsed onto the floor. I cried out for him in pain… He smiled, but without opening the tired eyes of his… I had thought that I would never shed any tear for him, but the truth is, I have never felt a deeper pain cutting through my body at
that moment. Doctor said that by the time hubby discovered he had liver cancer, it was already in terminal stage and it was a miracle that he managed to last this long. I asked the doctor when he first discovered he had cancer. Doctor said about 5 months ago and consoled me saying: “Prepare for his funeral.” I disregarded the nurse’s objection and rushed home, I went into his room and checked his computer, and a suffocating pain hit me. Hubby’s cancer was discovered 5 months
ago, his groaning was real, and I had thought that… the computer showed over 200 thousand words he wrote for our son: “Son, just for you, I have persisted, to be able to take a look at you before I fall, is my biggest wish now… I know that in your life, you will have many happiness and maybe some setbacks, if only I can accompany you throughout that journey, how nice would it be. But daddy now no longer has that chance. Daddy has written inside here all the possible difficulties and problems you may encounter during your lifetime, when you meet with these problems, you can refer to daddy’s suggestion…. Son, after writing these 200 thousand words, I feel as if I have
accompanied you through life journey. To be honest, daddy is very happy. Do love your mother, she has suffered, she is the one who loves you most and also the one who loves me most…” From play school to primary school, to secondary, university, to work and even in dealing with questions of love, everything big and small was written there. Hubby has also written a letter for me:
“My dear, to marry you is my biggest
happiness, forgive me for the pain I
have caused you, forgive me for not
telling you my illness, because I
want to see you be in a joyful mood
waiting for the arrival of our baby…
My dear, if you cried, it means that
you have forgiven me and I would
smile, thank you for loving me…
These presents, I’m afraid I cannot
give them to our son personally,
could you help me to give some of
them to him every year, the dates on
what to give when are all written on
the packaging… “
Going back to the hospital, hubby is still in coma. I brought our son over and place him beside him. I said:
“Open your eyes and smile, I want
our son to remember being in the
warmth of your arms…” He
struggled to open his eyes and
managed a weak smile. Our son still
in his arms was happily waving his
tiny hands in the air. I press the
button on the camera and the sound
of the shutter rang through the air as
tears slowly rolled down my face…. A
fatal misunderstanding and the
person who loves me the most in
this world is gone forever…”Cruel
misunderstandings one after
another disrupted the blissful
footsteps to our family. Our original
intend of having Mother enjoy some
quiet and peaceful moments in her
remaining years with us went
terribly wrong as destiny’s secret is
finally revealed at a price, every
thing became too late.”……….

Friday 27 July 2012

AFLPM re-elects Mrs Jonathan as President..

Abuja – Nigeria’s First Lady Patience Jonathan was on Friday in Abuja re-elected as the President of the African First Ladies Peace Mission (AFLPM).
Jonathan as well as all other regional heads of the mission were unanimously re-elected at the 7th Summit of the AFLPM.
Closing of 7th Summit of African First Ladies Peace Mission in Abuja.jpg where Dame Patience Jonathan was re-elected President of the African First Ladies Peace Mission
The AFLPM re-elected Mrs Jonathan as its President and she is expected to oversee the affairs of the Mission in West Africa.
The First Lady of Cameroon was re-elected as Vice President (Central African Region), while the First Lady of South Africa retained the post of Vice-President, Southern African Region.
The First Lady of Sudan was re-elected as Vice-President (Eastern African Region); the First Lady of Libya retained the post of Vice-President (Northern African Region); while the First Lady of the Republic of Congo was re-elected as an Ex-Officio executive for a fresh two-year term.
In her acceptance speech, Jonathan thanked all the members of the Mission for the confidence reposed in her and members of her team to continue as AFLPM’s executives.
“It is a great honour for me and our country, Nigeria; this new mandate would further strengthen our resolve to laying a solid foundation for our great organisation.
“We will not relent in our efforts in ensuring that the African First Ladies Peace Mission fulfills its divine responsibility of achieving a lasting peace in Africa.
“Let me appeal to you my dear sisters that all of us owe our spouses support in ensuring that peace, security and total development is achieved in Africa.
“We must all work hard to change the picture of war painted of Africa to that of a peaceful, stable and progressive continent.
“We can still play our part in resolving some of the ongoing conflicts in Africa.’’
Jonathan called on all African women to persuade their husbands, sons and brothers to embrace dialogue and refrain from violence because women suffered most, physically and emotionally, in all conflict situations.
She said that women, as mothers, could no longer afford to sit in their comfort zone and do nothing because the lack of peace and insecurity always affected governance and developmental efforts negatively.
In her closing remarks, the AFLPM President urged members of the Mission to remain committed to the goals set for achieving peace in Africa.
She stressed that the African First Ladies were responsible for shaping the future of the continent, adding that tangible efforts must be made in the peace building process.
“ I want to urge us all to reflect on the programmes and activities we intend to implement as we return home.
“ This is very important because without conscious, clear and thoughtful commitment on our part with regard to efforts to pursue an agenda for peace in Africa, the goals of this summit would have been defeated.
“Therefore, we must work hard for peace promotion as African mothers so that generations yet unborn will be proud of our efforts in making our continent a better place to be.’’
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the AFLPM, which aims at promoting peace and harmony in Africa, was established in 1995 after the UN Conference on Women in Beijing, China.
NAN recalls that Nigeria was elected the President of the AFLPM in 2008 and it was then agreed that Nigeria should provide a permanent secretariat for the Mission.
A total of 10 First Ladies attended the summit, while 21 others sent representatives. (NAN)


Nura Mustapha, 28, is currently explaining to homicide detectives at the State Criminal Investigative Department, Panti, Yaba, Lagos State, why he was allegedly caught having sex with the corpse of a lady identified as Faith Akin.
Mustapha was arrested early in March after an attendant at the Green Star Hotel, Alaba-Rago, raised an alarm that he would not allow the corpse to be retrieved.
Police officers identified the corpse of the lady as Faith Akin, a resident of Ondo State, who visited her mother in Lagos.
“We have a lot of customers coming with different girls to the hotel but on that fateful day, Mustapha came in about 5.00 pm and booked the room; after about 9.00pm, he brought in this lady and they stayed the night,” said the hotel attendant, who gave his name as Mathew. “Early the next day, before I would hand over to the morning staff, I went round to check the rooms; [and] that was how I saw the lady lying down. I went to touch her but there was no response; I called out to Nura but he did not answer. It was when I came back the second time after I had informed the manager that I saw the customer having sex with the corpse again; I tried to call his attention but he did not respond, so I went to call the police.”
When officers from the Ojo Police Station arrived the scene, it was gathered that the suspect was seen having sex with the unconscious lady. “As soon as we got the complaint from the  hotel management, we rushed to the scene of the incident; unfortunately, we experienced the shock of our lives when we saw Nura on top of the lifeless lady still banging (having sex with) her,” said a police officer who did not want his name published.
“We had to drag him from the lady's corpse before he realised that people had been watching him. It was a terrible thing for such a young man to sleep with a corpse; maybe for ritual purpose but we do not know.”
During questioning, Mustapha allegedly told the police officers that he had taken a sex enhancement drug before inviting the deceased to his hotel room.
“He said he used a local Hausa herb, called ‘burutashe’ to enhance his sexual performance before he had sex with the lady,” said the police source. “The corpse had foam coming out from her mouth; and despite that he kept banging her because the drug made him to have delayed ejaculation. So to satisfy himself, he kept banging the lady; even when he discovered that she was dead, so as to relieve himself.”
The corpse has been deposited at a mortuary and police authorities are hoping that autopsy results will reveal the exact cause of Akin’s death.
The Tiv Yam market in Alaba-Rango is predominantly populated by Hausas and it was gathered that commercial sex workers often congregate there at night to solicit for customers.

Police nab two men living with corpse of brother Tope and Omotola Ajayi were allegedly selling the body parts.

Residents of Festac, Lagos, were treated to a horror show on Thursday as the mutilated decomposing corpse of a man was discovered inside the house occupied by his two brothers.
The three brothers had been living at B Close, House 6 of 3rd Avenue, after their father died and left the property for them.
The corpse, identified as that of Akinbuyi Ajayi,  39, who was living in the same apartment with Toye Ajayi and Omotola Ajayi, who were identified as his brothers. He was allegedly killed by his brothers and his body kept in a room inside the flat.
Police officers raided the house after the two brothers allegedly were caught with human body parts. The mutilated corpse, missing its head, hands and genitals, was discovered after police officers searched their apartment.
Divisional Police Officer in the area, Mohammed Mu’azu, said other incriminating items were seized from the house. They include: charms, a pot filled with suspected human blood and two large dummies of human beings. Some of the charms were concealed inside a paper bag with the inscription: 'Lord Krishna Agabarthi 999'.
Omotola, who claimed to be an engineer and unemployed, denied knowing anything about the corpse; adding that he depended on goodwill of people to survive along with Toye. He told the police that his brother’s killers must have committed the act before dumping the corpse inside one of the rooms. He further said their father died in a motor accident recently.
Toye described himself as a primary school teacher, but refused to reveal where he works.
Police officers evacuated the corpse to a morgue and said the brothers would be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.

Man rapes in-law to death!!

Barely two weeks after a young lady identified as Faith Akin was allegedly raped to death by a middle aged man, a similar incident has been reported at the Epe Police Station.
According to the report, 29-year-old Titus Ime raped his in-law, a 19-year-old woman identified as Blessing John, to death.
The incident occurred in a forest at Epe. The suspect allegedly trailed Blessing to her father’s farm, where he raped her to death.
Ime, reporting the incident, said he assaulted Blessing due to her refusal to date him. The rapist cum murderer blamed his dastardly act on his “great love" for the deceased.
“I just moved to Lagos from Akwa -Ibom State to look for a job when I met Blessing. She is my in-law, as my uncle is married to her elder sister," he said.
"As soon as I set my eyes on her, I fell in love with her but I kept it to myself. When I could not bear it anymore, I went to her to declare my love for her but she turned me down. I kept pestering her but she refused blatantly that she did not love me; this made me angry.”
Ime added that despite Blessing’s refusal to date him, he had to device a means to force her to have sex with him.
“I did not intend to kill Blessing but my feeling for her was very strong. So after monitoring her movement for some time, I discovered that she goes to the farm to uproot cassava in the evening with her father. That day, I trailed her from her house to the forest. She was alone and she did not know I was following her, when she got into the dense forest and there was no one in sight, I ran ahead of her and grabbed her, and started declaring my love for her but she turned me down.
"I was very angry and I grabbed her dress. She started struggling with me but I took a big stick and hit her on her head, she slumped immediately and I bend down over her and removed her skirt and had sex with her. All this while, she did not respond but I still had sex with her a second time but I do not know that she was dead; I thought she was just unconscious.”
After committing the act, the suspect hid in the forest for four days. He however came out of his hiding when he could not bear the hunger anymore, and reported himself to his family who then handed him over to the police for prosecution.
Blessing’s corpse were discovered by her father and has been deposited at a public mortuary for autopsy, while the case has been transferred to the Homicide department at Panti, Yaba for further investigation.